Welcome to

Awareness ​Award​s


About the Women-Friendly ​Brands Platform

The Women-Friendly Brands Platform is an independent digital platform that works to raise awareness of gender equality and strengthen women's roles in work, education, ​and social life. We believe that a sustainable society is only possible through the rights and freedoms granted to women. For this purpose, we combat inequalities, promote ​equal opportunities, and bring together brands that support women's stronger participation in social and economic life.

Our platform carries out value-oriented projects on topics such as women's employment, equal opportunities, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. By sharing ​these and similar projects with all segments of society, we aim to create awareness.

Awareness Awards 2025

Gala Night & Celebration



Awards Ceremony



Project Application

NOVEMBER 30th 2024

Awareness ​Awards

Women-Friendly Brands Platform has been organizing a special ceremony in ​Turkey every year since 2021, on the week of March 8, International Women's ​Day. The program honors brands that promote gender equality, defend women's ​rights, and support women's empowerment. Brands that have demonstrated a ​commitment to ensuring equal rights and freedoms for women in all areas of ​society are honored. These brands showcase women-friendly practices and ​projects that serve the greater good by using their brand influence to take ​meaningful steps to raise social awareness.

festive shower of golden confetti

Who Can Apply for the

Women-Friendly Brands Awareness Awards?

  • Companies and Businesses: All companies, ​regardless of size, that implement women-friendly ​practices and policies, support the career ​development of female employees, ensure equal ​pay and opportunities, and run projects promoting ​gender equality.

  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs ​that advocate for women’s rights, promote gender ​equality, and work on projects to improve women's ​rights in education, health, economy, and social ​fields.

  • International Organizations and Agencies: This ​category includes international organizations and ​agencies that support gender equality, protect ​women’s rights, and develop global projects and ​policies in this field.
  • Public Institutions: Local, national, and ​international public and governmental institutions ​that develop policies to empower women, increase ​women's participation in the workforce, and ​create awareness and projects on gender equality.

  • Educational Institutions: Schools, universities, and ​other educational institutions that enhance ​educational opportunities for girls and women, ​and work on projects to strengthen women's roles ​in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and ​mathematics) fields.

  • Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups: Start-ups and ​individual entrepreneurs that promote women’s ​entrepreneurship, strengthen women’s place in ​the business world, and develop innovative ​solutions for equality.

  • Media and Communication Organizations: Media ​organizations that enhance the representation of ​women in media and communication fields and run ​projects to create awareness on gender equality ​issues.

  • Arts and Culture Institutions: Arts and culture ​institutions that increase women’s presence and ​impact in these fields and develop projects that ​promote gender equality.

  • This award is open to all organizations that ​demonstrate sensitivity towards gender equality ​and take concrete steps in this field. Applications ​will be evaluated by an independent jury, and the ​most effective, inspiring, and sustainable projects ​will be rewarded.


Flipping of unequal to equal sign between man and woman. Human a

Gender Equality

Business leader woman

Women’s ​Employment and ​Equal Opportunity at ​Work

Business women working on computer

Women’s ​Entrepreneurship ​and Empowerment

Equality definition concept

Equal Opportunities ​in Education

Support group for disability women

Support for Women ​and Girls in Various ​Fields (Sports, Arts, ​Science, etc.)

Stop violence against Women, international women's day. Young depressed woman, domestic and rape violence,beaten and raped sitting in the corner.

Fight Against ​Violence Towards ​Women and ​Improvement

Sticky Note with Words Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Paper

Social Awareness for ​Equal Rights and ​Equal ​Communication


Other Projects, ​Educational, and ​Social Benefit ​Programs

gold winner cup on blue  background

Award-Winning Brands

award-winning ​brands and projects

Our Membership


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Kavacik Neighborhood Ozkan ​Street No:2 Beykoz - Istanbul / ​Turkiye

+9​0 216 288 02 80

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Awareness Awards Application and ​Information



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